28 January 2008

Google Earth, Y.F.N.H.T in the news

Hey, ya'll, it's been a while. It's hard to believe that just a couple of months ago I was in Saudi Arabia. A lot of my friends from the trip have emailed me and we all say the same things: what an amazing trip, once in a lifetime opportunity, not a day goes by that I don't think of Saudi Arabia. It is difficult to explain to explain the effects and influences the experience has had on me and my travel companions. Words are inadequate; you have to experience it for yourself.

I just wanted to let you know that you can see some of my Saudi photographs on GoogleEarth. I spent time sorting through my photographs and finding their respective locations on GoogleEarth. I have always been pretty good using all sorts of maps - my buddy Micah likes to joke that I have the homing instincts of a small migratory bird - but it wasn't easy trying to find a lot of the places I photographed. It's one thing to view a landmark from the ground and a totally different thing to view it from a satellite's perspective! I had to find major landmarks I recognized, and work my way from there to locate various places. The two most difficult locations for me to pinpoint were the souq in Old Jeddah and the ash-Shura Council in Riyadh.

In other news, I was interviewed about my trip by our little local newpaper. It was a pretty good article with two color photographs of me in Saudi Arabia. I am trying to get my experience into the major newspaper and local public radio station.